The More You Know

Why Do Toddlers Hit Themselves In The Head?

Toddlers often exhibit peculiar behavior, which may bewilder many parents. Notably, parents are usually most alarmed by toddlers’ tendencies to bang their heads against various objects or self-inflict strikes to their heads. Many parents may ask themselves, “why is my child behaving this way?” This piece seeks to provide insights into this question, offering potential …

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Female Incontinence During Pregnancy: Managing and Preventing it

Pregnancy is a wonderful but demanding journey for women. With the thrill of having a precious life grow inside you, there also come certain inconvenient signs. One such symptom is pregnancy-related incontinence. This issue can emerge in the third trimester or post-birth – periods of substantial bodily changes. This piece will delve into why this …

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New Parent Survival Guide: Overcoming the Struggles of Newborns

Becoming a new parent might feel daunting. With lots to learn and so many tasks to handle (such as sleep!), it could prove challenging. However, equipped with the right advice and instruments, tackling your baby’s first year becomes easier. This write-up offers valuable guidelines about anticipating respite moments and also supplies handy suggestions to streamline …

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Breastfeeding and milk supply

Is Your Milk Supply Drying Up?

Although breastfeeding is a natural occurrence, it is not always free from difficulties. There are numerous challenges that many mothers often face, particularly those who are new to motherhood. These challenges can range from milk stasis and mammary hypoplasia to the baby having health issues like a feeble sucking reflex, among other complications. One primary …

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