Liz Raymond

Liz is a mother of three and an avid nutrition enthusiast. She has always been interested in the role that food plays in our overall health, but it was only after she had fertility issues that she really began to focus on the topic. After making some diet changes she became pregnant soon after, which drove her to help other families overcome infertility. Liz loves helping others learn about how they can improve their health through nutrition.

Can You Eat Feta Cheese While Pregnant?

Feta Cheese Pregnancy Facts: Safe Feta Cheese Consumption

Becoming pregnant brings a list of “don’ts” like avoiding alcohol, staying away from raw shellfish and eggs, and ditching those go-to energy drinks. Eating raw eggs and other unpasteurized foods isn’t safe anymore. But here’s a surprise: **feta cheese** can be a safe and tasty choice if certain precautions are taken. So, is it okay …

Feta Cheese Pregnancy Facts: Safe Feta Cheese Consumption Read More »

Everything You Need to Know About Honey and Pregnancy

If you’re an expectant mother and you’re curious about whether honey is safe during pregnancy, then you’ve come to the right place! This guide will comprehensively cover everything related to consuming honey during pregnancy, from its safety and benefits, to its nutritional value. Additionally, you’ll learn important pointers on selecting top-quality honey and innovative methods …

Everything You Need to Know About Honey and Pregnancy Read More »

Expert Tips: How to Get Your Child to Eat Healthier

As a caregiver, it’s your desire for your child to remain healthy and content. Nevertheless, persuading them to consume wholesome meals can be tough. This article provides proficient advice on how to inspire your child to eat better. This includes strategies on making meals enjoyable, involving the child in meal preparation and fostering a positive …

Expert Tips: How to Get Your Child to Eat Healthier Read More »

chew popcorn

Is Popcorn Dangerous? Can Kids Eat Popcorn? Solid Food Safety.

Popcorn is a favored and tasty snack, though certain safety aspects must be taken into account when it comes to kids. It is key to understand the potential choking dangers of popcorn when children are involved. The unique shape and texture of popped kernels increase the likelihood of them getting stuck in a child’s airway, …

Is Popcorn Dangerous? Can Kids Eat Popcorn? Solid Food Safety. Read More »

Is It Okay to Eat Fast Food When Trying to Get Pregnant?

For those attempting to get pregnant, considering how your lifestyle decisions can affect your fertility is crucial. A frequently asked question is about the potential dangers of eating fast food during this period. The answer is not a simple one, as fast food can have both immediate and long-term effects on your fertility. While occasional …

Is It Okay to Eat Fast Food When Trying to Get Pregnant? Read More »

Probiotics In Pregnancy: Should You Take Them?

Probiotics are critically important for the health of pregnant women, aiding in everything from bolstering gut health to supporting a healthy birth process. Ensuring ample intake of probiotics can further contribute to lowering the likelihood of premature birth, birth anomalies, allergies, eczema, and postpartum depression. If you’re pregnant, it can be beneficial to supplement your …

Probiotics In Pregnancy: Should You Take Them? Read More »

Eating to Promote Fertility: Foods to Reduce Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

Attempting to conceive elevates the importance of consuming the correct foods. Ensuring that your body receives the necessary nutrients is crucial, as well as choosing foods that help to relieve inflammation and oxidative stress. Both these conditions can impact fertility in both genders, hence the need to carefully consider your diet. In the following article, …

Eating to Promote Fertility: Foods to Reduce Inflammation and Oxidative Stress Read More »

When Do Babies Say Mama

When Can Kids Have Popcorn?

There are varying opinions on age appropriateness for children consuming popcorn. Some parents prefer to wait until their children are more mature before introducing them to popcorn, while others advocate for moderate consumption even among younger kids. In this blog post, we will explore the topic of kids and popcorn and give you our opinion …

When Can Kids Have Popcorn? Read More »

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